One of the ways of getting inspired and educated about technology here at FINN is through our “Tech-dag”. This year we have a packed program which consists of workshops, some talks and a bunch of lightning talks. Last time we posted about techday was in 2012.
Throughout the day we had some long presentations and some lightning talks.
Lightning talks are 10 minutes long and tightly timed.
The topics are broad ranging, and not limited to programming at all.
Starting #techdag2014 with @sisomm and the Internet of things #FINN_no
— Anders Olsen Sandvik (@Andersos) November 26, 2014
Here is the list of speakers and their slides:
- Simen Sommerfeldt - Internet of Things
- Rian Liebenberg
- William Daraman, VG Tactus - "Egg og iBeacon"
- Stefan Engelien - Eksperimentene som skapte FINN Småjobber
- Geir Pettersen - Hospitering
- Henning Spjelkavik - Strategisk planlegging med 'impact mapping'
- Alexander Svanevik - Language Hacking
- Tom Widerøe - Universell utforming – hva har blitt bedre
- Per Jørgen Walstrøm - Nummi - om hockey og biler
- Mikael Lindström - SPiD in the cloud
- Anders Olsen Sandvik - Isomorphic Apps
- Espen Dalløkken - a talk based on the blog post:I was wrong
- Torgeir Waterhouse - hei - hva skjer, internett og sånt...
Arduino Workshop
For this workshop we were all split out into teams and each team got a Arduino starter kit. The task was to make something cool. Check out this video from what group 10 did:
50 minutes of work. #techdag2014
— Christopher Kolstad (@chriswk) November 26, 2014
— PJ Walstroem (@pjwalstrom) November 26, 2014
— Sissel Sveum (@SisselSveum) November 26, 2014